AgilePOD®: Pop-up, fully powered, accessible acoustic pods for your office


Meeting Booths: Enhance Your Workspace with AgilePOD

Upgrade your office with our range stylish and adaptable meeting booths known as AgilePODs. Designed to offer employees a quiet, comfortable space away from the main office, these booths are perfect for meeting deadlines, making phone calls, or participating in important video meetings. AgilePODs cater to a wide range of settings, including offices, public sector workplaces, and educational institutions.

Discover the advantages of incorporating AgilePOD meeting booths into your workspace and how they can benefit colleagues, clients, students, and visitors alike.

Accessible, Versatile, and Stylish Meeting Booths for All

AgilePOD collection of meeting booths comes in various sizes and designs, accommodating from one to six people. Their unique, cocoon-like appearance ensures a modern aesthetic for any workspace. Designed with inclusivity in mind, all work pods in the AgilePOD range are DDA/wheelchair-compliant, making them a popular choice in the public sector.

Unlike competitors' office pods with raised floors, which create accessibility challenges, AgilePODs prioritise optimum accessibility, allowing everyone to enjoy a tranquil space away from the bustling office environment.

Key Benefits of AgilePOD Meeting Booths

AgilePOD meeting booths offer several advantages for your office:

  • Class A acoustic performance: Innovative design ensures minimal noise and reverb, creating a peaceful environment.

  • Versatility: Use the meeting booth for conferences, office calls, employee downtime, or video calls.

  • Easy setup: AgilePOD booths are simple to assemble and can be moved to different locations within your office.

  • Fully powered: Equipped with USB power, a light, and a charging point, ensuring your devices stay charged throughout the day.

  • Sit or stand: The booth design accommodates both sitting and standing positions.

  • Germ-free: AgilePOD booths are easy to sanitise with an antimicrobial spray for the microfibre cloth (sold separately).

Transform Your Office Space with AgilePOD Meeting Booths

AgilePOD's accessible work pods are designed with a small footprint, making them an ideal fit for most offices. These booths not only offer a safe space for personal calls or coffee breaks but are also easy to erect and dismount, with a new meeting pod ready in as little as 15 minutes.

 Additionally, AgilePOD's meeting booths are portable and can be moved when changing premises, allowing you to invest in your business rather than your landlord's property. With no need for planning permission, these meeting spaces provide a fun and flexible solution for any office environment.

AgilePOD meeting booths can be customised with your company's colours or branding, ensuring a professional appearance during Zoom or Teams calls. These booths can also be designed in video-friendly colours to avoid distracting your audience. Select from a range of stylish shades that complement your office décor and choose as many inclusive, well-designed office pods as needed.

 Experience the difference AgilePOD meeting booths can make in your workspace. Boost productivity, improve employee well-being, and create a calmer, more focused environment. To learn more about AgileAcoustics' acoustic office solutions, get in touch today.