Installation of Acoustic Pods in the Diamond Building at the University of Sheffield


The Diamond Building, a state-of-the-art learning and teaching facility at the University of Sheffield, is known for its modern architecture and advanced educational resources. With a growing number of students and faculty utilising the space, the need for additional quiet study areas became apparent. To address this, the University decided to install acoustic pods, aiming to enhance the study environment by reducing noise levels and providing private spaces for focused work.


  • To reduce noise pollution within the open-plan areas of the Diamond Building.

  • To provide students and staff with private, quiet spaces for individual and group study.

  • To enhance the overall learning environment by creating a more conducive space for concentration and productivity.


Needs Assessment: A thorough needs assessment was conducted to identify high-traffic areas and zones where noise levels were particularly disruptive. Input was gathered from students, faculty, and staff to understand their requirements and preferences for quiet study spaces.

Selection of Acoustic Pods: After evaluating various options, the University selected AgilePODs for their high-quality, sound-absorbing credentials and sleek design. The chosen pods were customised to blend seamlessly with the Diamond Building’s modern aesthetic.

Installation Process: The installation was carried out during a holiday break to minimise disruption. Key steps included:

  1. Site Preparation: Ensuring the selected areas were ready for installation, including any necessary electrical work for lighting and ventilation within the pods.

  2. Pod Assembly: The acoustic pods were delivered in modular components and assembled on-site. Each pod was tested for sound insulation and functionality before final placement.

Integration with existing infrastructure: The pods were strategically placed in high-traffic areas, near study zones, and within open-plan sections to maximise their impact on noise reduction.


Enhanced Study Environment Post-installation feedback from students and staff was overwhelmingly positive. The acoustic pods provided much-needed quiet spaces, allowing individuals to concentrate better and work more efficiently. The reduction in ambient noise levels contributed to a more peaceful and conducive study environment.


The installation of acoustic pods in the Diamond Building at the University of Sheffield has proven to be a successful initiative, aligning with the University's commitment to providing top-tier educational facilities. By addressing the need for quiet, private study spaces, the University has significantly enhanced the learning environment, benefiting both students and staff. This case study highlights the importance of innovative solutions in modern higher education settings and serves as a model for other institutions seeking to improve their study environments.